Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New team member

Calvin Bella the insightful young man who has an excerpt from his interview posted here has agreed to become a member of the team. He is currently a history student at Concordia University right here in Saint Paul Minnesota. Calvin will be using his training as a historian and his extensive knowledge of Liberia as the research coordinator for this project. We are very lucky to have someone as skilled and as intelligent as Calvin on the team

Friday, April 2, 2010

Elitha Bing-Tucker talks about how the war affected her

Elitha Bing-Tucker talks about the war and how she feels the war
affected Liberians. Full disclosure, she is my aunt.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ten more questions

After talking to some people I realized that a lot of the young people that I interviewed never lived in Liberia, so I decided to create ten more questions.
Here they are:

1) Where did you grow up?
2) Did you grow up with or around other Liberians?
3) What did you learn about Liberia growing up?
4) Is it important for you to stay connected to Liberian culture?
5) What do you remember seeing or hearing about the war?
6) How do you think the war affected the youth of Liberia?
7) What advice would you give to young Liberians moving to the united states?
8) Do you see yourself ever visiting or moving to Liberia?
9) What do you see as the future for Liberian youth?
10) There are communities of Liberians all over the world but they are not well connected. Is it important to foster those connections and how do we accomplish that goal.

If anyone else has questions that they would like to ask please submit them. I promise you that they will be asked.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A very insightful response from Calvin Bella about the Liberian Diaspora

Calvin Bella is a student at Concordia University in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He is a very insightful person and I am glad that he was able to take part in this project.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ten Questions

Here are the ten questions that I will be asking everyone. If you know anyone interested in being interviewed please let me know and send them a link to this blog. We have about four weeks from this post to schedule everyone.

1) Where were you born?
2) Where were/are your parents from?
3) What was Liberia like when you were growing up?
4) When you were growing up in Liberia what did you think that your future would be?
5) What are you best memories of growing up in Liberia?
6) What was the hardest thing to adjust to in your new country?
7) What do you remember about the war?
8) How did the war effect you?
9) What do you see as the future for Liberia?
10)What advice would you give to future Liberian generations?